The reunion in June of 2024 update:

Our Friday night at Ford’s Garage was a big success, although it was very warm on the patio, everyone that attended had a great time. Thank goodness for big fans! The thing I noticed from the moment I arrived at Ford’s, were all the of the happy exclamations of old friends seeing each other for the first time in several years. It was great to see all the smiling faces and hugs all around.

On Saturday morning we gathered at GHS in the cafeteria (I didn’t remember that we had a cafeteria!) for a tour of the campus. Some of the campus still looked the same and it was very nostalgic to walk the sidewalks and have those memories of our days on campus. There were also many changes, new buildings have been added for 9th graders, there is a playing field in the back of the school that I didn’t remember, and many updates have been made over the years. The auditorium is pretty much the same but is due to have renovations in the near future. The choral and band rooms have been updated with a ceiling that is better for the balance of the music and soundproofing for the surrounding area. One thing that I noticed was that the outside lockers in the classroom corridors have been removed. There is no longer a need for lockers, most of the teaching is done from textbooks online and the students use tablets to access the info! I have a memory of carrying that heavy US History textbook from my locker in the front of the school all the way back to the last row of classrooms. The tour was quite an eyeopener and I enjoyed it very much.

Saturday evening at the Best Western was very well received. The buffet dinner was good, the band played, and we had a DJ to fill in during band breaks. There was a photo booth that many enjoyed, and a bar where the line never seemed to end. Dancing and so many happy people reconnecting with classmates ended the night.

Footnote: Due to the success of this reunion, we were able to donate $700.00 to the GHS Quarterback Club. This donation will help the football program purchase badly needed equipment. The reunion committee would like to thank everyone that attending this event for helping to meet this goal.

Thanks to all of our classmates!

Janice Goldacker and all of your reunion committee members



On this website homepage click on the header REGISTRATION to fill out and submit the registration form. If you complete it before April 1, 2024 you will qualify for an Early Bird drawing. If your name is drawn you will be refunded your registration fee and join in the reunion fun for FREE!

We are looking forward to seeing everyone June 7th and 8th, 2024 for the 71/53 reunion activities!

A quick update on emails

The reunion committee are starting to rev things up and will be emailing updates, the emails will come from If you add this email address to your contact list the emails will go into your inbox rather than into your SPAM folder. I don’t know about you, but I have enough to do without having to review all that SPAM!

Thanks much!

Janice Goldacker

Plan to join the reunion fun on June 7th and 8th, 2024!!

The planning committee has made some headway on the reunion in 2024. The dates have been selected, Friday, June 7th for the Meet and Greet and Saturday, June 8th for the reunion dinner. We are still checking out locations for both of these nights and are open to suggestions. We will be updating on this website and on our Facebook page as additional information is available.

If you are in contact with classmates please let them know the details. I am updating our list with email addresses as we receive them and will be sending email blasts as new information is available. We are missing a lot of our classmates contact information and would appreciate everyone passing on the word.

The information we currently have is from our last reunion, our 45th in 2016. If your contact info has changed since then or if you weren’t contacted in 2016 and would like reunion updates please provide your contact info by filling out the form “Your Info” on this page.

Some interesting info on 53/71 in 2024

The majority of our class were born in 1953 and will be 71 in 2024. Also, 2024 will be our 53rd reunion and we graduated in 1971.

If you are interested in numerology, here are some more fun facts! 5+3=8, 7+1=8 and 2+0+2+4 (you guessed it) =8. I looked up the meaning of the number 8 in numerology.

Ambitious: To say the 8 has ambition would be putting it lightly -- they live to achieve! This number is on a mission to reach as many goals and garner as much success as possible.

Karmic: In a spiritual sense, the number 8 is all about giving back. It realizes that its successes are not its alone and will intentionally recognize and appreciate any help it has received.

Enduring: Even when the chips are down, the 8 in Numerology has a great sense of fortitude.

Let’s all look forward to having a very successful reunion in 2024! Stay tuned for more news.